Best Thai food we've ever had

The restaurant across the street, Sourire de Saigon, was truly the best Thai food we've ever had. Spicy. But not aggressively out-to-kick-your-ass spicy. Fresh. Innovative presentation without just trying to be crazy avante garde for the hell of it. And a 1999 bordeaux for like $35, which was really good.

For dessert the hostess/manager recommended their ice cream, which as Berthillon - she claimed it was the best in France, and based upon what we had, we wouldn't argue. Good stuff.

(Later note/correction: The restaurant, and the food, were of course 'Vietnamienne', not Thai. So it would therefore be the best Vietnamese food we've ever had, and better than any Thai food we've ever had, but technically not the best Thai food we've ever had. My apologies for the confusion.)


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